Licensed in the following states
Axos Lending is a registered DBA of Equity Smart Home Loans; NMLS #856170; Equal Housing Lender.
These loan products may have a higher interest rate, more points, or more fees than other loan products requiring full documentation. Programs and rates are subject to change without notice. Not all applicants will qualify. Turn time estimates are not warranted or guaranteed.
Axos Lending
164 N. 2nd Ave. Upland, CA 91786
(877) 890-2967
Licensed State Licensed As Licensed By License Number
Arizona | Arizona Mortgage Banker | Department of Financial Institutions | 1027294 |
California | California DBO-Residential Mortgage Lending Act License | Department of Business Oversight under the California Residential Mortgage Lending Act | NMLS#856170 |
Florida | Florida Mortgage Lender Servicer License | Office of Financial Regulation | MBR-2341 |
New Mexico | New Mexico Mortgage Loan Company License | Regulation and Licensing Department | NMLS#856170 |
Oregon | Oregon Mortgage Lending License | Division of Financial Regulation | ML-5593 |
Texas | Texas – SML Mortgage Banker Registration | Department of Savings and Mortgage Lending | NMLS#856170 |
Conditions may apply. Not licensed in the state of New York and not intended for distribution to NY residents. For more licensing information, visit the Nationwide Multistate Licensing System’s Consumer Access website Revised 09.23.21